Sunday, December 6, 2015

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Week three and we are settling in just fine.

We have very busy weeks but for some reason we have more quality time together.  
Mom comes to pick me up from school each day (sometimes dad is able to make it too) and we go to the market to pick up an after school snack and supper.  This is my favourite part of the week.  I love to get those mini oranges to snack on and it is great helping my mom pick our suppers each night.

Our dog Cherry got really sick this week.  She had a bad infection but thankfully she is getting better.

Friday night my mom and dad picked me up and we went skating at Nathan Philips Square.  It is beautiful there in the night.  My mom even came on the ice with us!  I am getting so much better at skating.

This weekend, I had company - my cousin Scarlett came to visit.  It was great having someone to play with again.  It has been hard trying to make friends at the condo and I was missing having someone around.

Saturday we walked 3.5 km to the Christmas marketplace in the Distillery district.  It was a ton of fun and really beautiful. Afterwards we went the St. Lawrence market where we picked up a few things for supper.  

We were out for six hours and when we got home, Scarlett and I were exhausted.  We sat back on the couch and watched the movie 'Home'.  Afterwards we went swimming.

On Sunday, I got to meet my Great Uncle Rick for the first time.  We had a great breakfast together and we will visit him soon in Ottawa.

Later in the day we went to the kids Christmas party for our condo. There were crafts, songs, stories and lots of kids.  I met a girl my age and she showed me the kids play room.  I am really hoping I can play with her again soon.

I got all of your messages and they made me very happy.  I got to Facetime with my friend Bellana the other day and I would love to do this with more of my friends.  Just let my mom know if you want to have a Facetime "date" and we will schedule you in.